In fact, you can cite a bunch of circumstances when there is a need to find out what time it is, and having a ~smart phone~ (smartphone) here does not always help out. By the way, it is very easy to find out what time it is in diverse conditions on the live time website and make it doable at least this very minute. Without a doubt, there is no need to write anything separately about how much it is worth finding out the exact time, in view of the fact that, in general, all ordinary people are well aware of this. In addition, quite a few ordinary people in this nuance, sometimes being late somewhere again, are convinced by their own example. Certainly, in a simple environment, the source of the correct time, in principle, can be a smartphone, which is now in the majority of modern people of different ages. But this is not the best way, for example, in public transport or at a bus stop, because in these cases it is not always convenient to get a smartphone from somewhere, and if it is very expensive, then this can definitely come to light and risky, understandable motives. Accordingly, sometimes wearing a watch or special devices comes out quite practical. Still, for a solid numerical number of people who systematically go somewhere, especially to distant powers, in fact, correct time services may be needed to successfully resolve all sorts of problems. This is dictated by the fact that there is a reason to clarify before departure the actual time difference in general terms, and the local current time where they are heading in particular. Based on this, there are all the prerequisites for the significant benefit of the fact that the previously recommended portal will turn out to be quite requested. Initially, on such an Internet site it is always available to find out the exact time at any place on the map. This means that everyone, without exception, will have a great opportunity to synchronize time with available sources by going to the thematic Internet resource. Along with this, this site will not be redundant for all tourists, because it is feasible not only to check what time it is in any city, but also, if necessary, calculate the actual time difference, and at the same time find out when the sunset and sunrise, and a lot of other significant information. Note that, apart from the time server, and everything that directly concerns it, it is available on the website to find a huge number of valuable publications for people, both for those who go to different countries to the resort, as well as for those who go where — something far away on business or with other kinds of practical tasks.